
比如買【好康】 [106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 MicroSDHC Card Adapter included -大家都搶買可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家

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最近在網路上看到【好康】 [106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 MicroSDHC Card Adapter included -大家都搶買 覺得價格很實在 深得我心

以下是【好康】 [106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 MicroSDHC Card Adapter included -大家都搶買 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!









[106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 - MicroSDHC Card - Adapter included 限定商品比價PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准!
Detailed item info
You can take all your important files with you wherever you go with this Kingston 32GB microSDHC card. Featuring a write speed of 10Mbps and a read speed of 45Mbps, this card is made from durable materials that can do a great job at protecting your data no matter the environment. This waterproof microSDHC card is also shockproof and vibration proof, so you don't have to worry about using it regardless of the situation. Suitable for still images, low resolution video, full HD videos, and documents, this card can work well with mobile phones, bridge cameras, and DSLR cameras. It comes with an adapter so that you can use it with multiple kinds of devices.There are so many ways to use these miniature Kingston memory cards. If your mobile devices accept the microSDHC format, you can just plug it in and instantly expand the amount of onboard storage. If your device supports the original SD card format, just simply plug the microSD card into the adapter slot. It will then fit right into any camera or other type of device that takes a regular SD card. There won't be any other work needed to get them going. All of Kingston's Class 10 modules comply with exacting performance standards. Anything designed to accept this memory card would take one of these Class 10 modules without issue.Kingston puts all of their Class 10 chips in frustration free packaging. This means you can slide them out without having to pull out the scissors. Since the Class 10 standard is the same across the board, you should also be able to use them with game consoles and e-readers designed to take them. Some gamers use them to store game code, and others keep screenshots of high scores on them. If your accessories can work with the UHS-I format, then you can get write speeds around 10MB/s.Keep in mind that 32GB can be a ton of space for something this petite. You can squeeze the contents of two 16GB cards on one of these Class 10 chips. You could use these Class 10 cards as backup drives. Simply attach them to USB reader units, and you can transfer files from a desktop or a laptop computer to them. Class 10 memory modules are actually easier to use than external hard disks. You won't have to worry about your micro storage solutions having head crashes. NAND chips have no moving parts. They are immune to the types of physical problems mechanical hard disks suffer from. The small size means that they won't slip out of a camera, either. This can dramatically reduce the risk of data loss.Kingston is always testing their cards to make sure they work with many different hardware brands. Google Android and iOS phones can be fully compatible with these miniature memory chips as is any modern desktop OS. With this kind of flexibility, you can find many different ways to use them. If you have the slot, then Kingston can have the storage solution that fits it.
Product Identifiers
Brand商品戰利品 Kingston
Form Factor MicroSDHC
Memory Capacity 32GB
Adapter Type SD Adapter
UPC 740617183412
Speed Class Rating Class 10
Read Speed 10MB/s
Write Speed Up to 10MB/s
Card Dimensions
Depth 本季優惠活動0.59 in.
Hei網路熱銷銷售排行榜ght 0.039 in.
Width 0.43 in.





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